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Prison Girls

Prison Girls (1972)

Great Nudity!

Top Scene


If you couldn't tell from the title alone, Prison Girls, this is without a doubt a classic 70s rated X flick that focuses more on the ladies and their naughty nature behind bars.  The best part about these "sex-ploitation" flicks though is that they certainly don't shy away from answering the age old question for the boys, does the shag carpet match the mustache???  And you better believe that these fuzzy little freaks from days gone by definitely show off man bush like manscaping wasn't invented until the 90s!  In this classic from 1972, we are dropped into the showers at a ladies prison, where 8 girls get into a fully naked brawl, but that doesn't ruin their chances for a weekend furlough to help with their rehabilitation.  So once these ladies towel off, the warden gives them 48 hours on the outside to see how the world has changed and if they can acclimate to 1972 California... Well as it turns out this flick isn't going to pass the Bechdel test once these ladies hit the streets because every single one of these busty cons decide they need to visit their ex-boyfriends/husbands as soon as humanly possible.  Each one has a different result, some are met with open arms, some are violently beaten by bikers, some end up going back to their pimps and slapped around, and others end up being nude body painted by artists.  Any excuse to get the ladies naked seems to be the end game in this flick.  Lucky for us though, the boys don't shy away from showing Skin either and we get Flesh Gordon (1974) himself, Jason Williams, breaking out those tan lined cheeks as well as Chesley Noone showing off that shaggy bathmat bush of his while going full frontal to answer the door!