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A Dice with 5 Sides

A Dice with 5 Sides (2022)

Great Nudity!
  • Genres: Drama
  • Directed by: Riccardo Tamburini
  • Rated: NR
  • Theatrical Release: 08/28/2022
  • Country: Italy, Spain
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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What if your entire romantic relationship with predicated by the rolling of a dice? This is the concept for the erotic gay movie A Dice With 5 Sides! Marcello (Alexander Ananasso) and Herman (Jake Garvey) meet up for some anon sex. But they feel something special towards each other, and not brave enough to divulge their feelings, they instead turn things into a game. They assign different actions - some major, like inviting a third into the relationship - to different sides of a dice. Each time the relationship progresses over the years (yes, years) it only does so by following the roll of a dice. But how long can this crazy game go on if Marcello and Herman want to stay together? Naturally, a premise as sexy as this is going to include some knockout nudity. We get to see Jake and Alexander having steamy gay sex, but things go even further in some scenes - for example, when Alexander Ananasso reveals his penis while demonstrating how to use a bidet. The real magic can be found at the end of the movie, when both leading men go full frontal for an extremely lengthy dance sequence involving a bunch of other men in various states of undress. A Dice With 5 Sides? More like A Dick With Five Inches!