Alexander Montagnani is a mountain of a man. He is 6'4" and hails from South West London in Streatham where he was always interested in martial arts. Both of his parents were actually martial artists, so it was inevitable that Alex would begin his judo training and boxing practice when he was only four years old. That was just the beginning of his fighting interest! From there he got involved in rugby and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. If a sport seemed to have high contact, fighting, and a lot of bruising, then Alexander was all for it. He started his transition into the world of mixed martial arts when he was a teenager and began fighting some of the most accomplished fighters throughout Europe in cage matches. After winning several titles, he decided to take his talent elsewhere: the camera! He made his on-screen debut in the 2014 TV series Here I Come as Adam. From there he began dabbling more and more with acting, appearing in something every other year. He has acted in The Underdog, Devil You Know, MatchBox, and his original film A Complex Occupation which he also wrote and directed. His best work yet is in the fighting film Cagefighter (2020) in which he plays Reiss. He goes shirtless twice to let us see his well-defined abs and his muscular biceps. Those big shoulders are all tattooed and sexy, too! He looks like a stunning piece of man that we want to see more of. He's definitely a total knockout!