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Arthur Dignam

Arthur Dignam Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 2

Birthplace: Lord Howe Island, New South Wales, AU

Date of Birth: 09/09/39

1 Blog Post for this celebrity

Top Arthur Dignam Scenes

The Devil's Playground (1976) Nude, penis, shirtless 00:38:21 Arthur Dignam undresses with other dudes in a locker room with naked men and their cocks all over the place. (1 min 54 secs)
The Devil's Playground (1976) Nude, butt, penis, shirtless 01:06:00 Arthur Dignam is totally naked in a pool as he floats around in his sexual fantasy with three women. (32 secs)
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Awesome Aussie Arthur Dignam enjoyed just as much success on the theater stage as he did on the boob tube and silver screen. The tan, slender sweetie looked equally-as-sexy performing Shakespeare on stage as he did in the films The Devil’s Playground (1976), The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith (1978), We of the Never Never (1982), and The Wild Duck (1984). Unfortunately for us, Arthur didn’t embrace nudity in any of these roles. But early on in his career, the handsome actor bared his butt in the drama Petersen (1974). Well, he didn’t show it willingly. During a scene of aggression and anger, some grab-happy fellow rips Arthur’s undies, briefly exposing his pleasantly plump posterior. We would’ve loved to have seen Mr. Dignam’s dingus during his career, but a look at his rump is just as pleasing!


The Devil's Playground (1976) - as Brother Francine

Nude, penis, shirtless 00:38:21 Arthur Dignam undresses with other dudes in a locker room with naked men and their cocks all over the place. (1 min 54 secs)
Nude, butt, penis, shirtless 01:06:00 Arthur Dignam is totally naked in a pool as he floats around in his sexual fantasy with three women. (32 secs)

Petersen (1974) - as Prof. Charles Kent

Nude, butt 00:33:05 A grab-happy dude rips down Arthur's undies and reveals his ass in the process. Like this guy's spirit, but he needs to calm down a bit. (4 secs)
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