In Bitter Harvest (1993), Travis (Stephen Baldwin), a shy and reclusive farm boy has just buried his abusive father, who bequeathed his bank account to a television preacher, but left his coin collection and farm to his son, when Kelly Ann (Jennifer Rubin), a sexy hitchhiker enters into his lonely life. Concurrently, another attractive chick, Jolene (Patsy Kensit), starts taking a keen interest in Travis, pretending to be interested in buying his farm. Both babes are after something other than Travis’ best interest. The emotionally needy farmer figures out the females fake feelings, but Travis isn’t inclined to send the girls packing just yet, creating a give-and-take relationship that has dire consequences. While bedding one of the begging babes, Baldwin flexes his half-mooned harvest. The camera lingers long and hard, giving you a chance to plow your fields and clean your coin collection.