Playing roles like 'Building Super', 'Building Manager', and, 'Mover', (all three in a row, actually) Corey Allen Kotler is, in his own words, "a big guy from New York." And much like pizza, sometimes man-meat is best served big, soft, and from New York. He made an unorthodox television debut when he duped Howard Stern into believing he was a Hasidic Rabbi called Rabbi Chaim Goldwasser. Corey appeared in a 2 Broke Girls episode titled "And the No New Friends" where he gained a ton of new friends and fans when he walked out in nothing but a pair of tighty-whiteys and beige socks. This big, beefy, Brooklynite's 2 Broke Girls appearance had fans breaking into sweats. Completely bearded in this appearance, Kotler is so hairy it almost looks like he's wearing a sweater - and that's one sweater that fans would love to curl up in on a cold day. He's seen talking to Kat Dennings, who plays a struggling waitress at a local diner. If she were able to put Corey on the menu, tips would probably pick up significantly. Many fans of Corey Allen would love to cuddle with Kotler.