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Fernando Barbosa

Fernando Barbosa Nude

Brief Nudity

Top Fernando Barbosa Scenes

I Miss You (2019) Nude (Ben Lukovski) , butt, gay, shirtless 00:39:04 Benjamin and Fernando share a good laugh in close-up, then Benny jets out of bed to show off his cute little tush while he walks out of the room! (30 secs)
I Miss You (2019) Nude (Fernando Barbosa) , gay, shirtless, butt 00:50:54 Think of this as two separate sex scenes with Benjamin, the first with Fernando—who bares his ass—and the other with Jose, and the two scenes are intercut with one another! Lots of steamy action in this man-tage! (1 min 9 secs)
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Fernando Barbosa is a beautiful man and there is absolutely no doubt about that. This hunky Latin lover has lived all over the world. He has South American heritage, but he lives in Montreal, and he has worked in New York City all as an actor and a model. He is a grounded, beautiful man who likes to post pictures of his plants on Instagram more than he likes to post pictures of his toned body. We think there's room for both, so someone should really get the memo to Barbosa about that. In the meantime, let's talk about his work! He has acted in the movie Las Malcogidas as Alvaro, but he worked before that as a documentarian for the documentaries Take Off and The Fight. He produced and filmed The Fight, but he directed and edited Take Off. See? He's a smart hot guy who really cares! He has no ego which is ridiculous because he deserves to have a huge ego based on hot how he is. After you watch him play Sebastian in the movie I Miss You in 2019, then you will see what we mean. You will miss him after you watch him have a gay sex scene that tenderly shows off his shirtless chest as well as his hunky ass. He then gets out of bed when the lovemaking is all done and shows the camera his beautiful backside. Check out that perky booty and the tattoos on his side. He is muy rico! 


I Miss You (2019) - as Sebastian

Nude (Ben Lukovski) , butt, gay, shirtless 00:39:04 Benjamin and Fernando share a good laugh in close-up, then Benny jets out of bed to show off his cute little tush while he walks out of the room! (30 secs)
Nude (Fernando Barbosa) , gay, shirtless, butt 00:50:54 Think of this as two separate sex scenes with Benjamin, the first with Fernando—who bares his ass—and the other with Jose, and the two scenes are intercut with one another! Lots of steamy action in this man-tage! (1 min 9 secs)
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