Of all the Hollywood stories we've come across here at Skin Central, the gorgeous Greg Sestero just might have the weirdest one. Things started off reasonably enough. As a kid, Greg wrote a sequel to Home Alone (1990) about Kevin being lost in Disney World, which led to John Hughes writing him a kind letter, and Greg deciding he'd make it in movies. Originally from Walnut Creek, CA, Greg did some modelling in Milan, Italy as a teenager, then moved to LA and did an episode of Nash Bridges, as well as some uncredited work in stuff like Gattaca (1997) and Edtv (1999). But in 1998, Greg took some acting classes in San Francisco, met the legendary filmmaker/possible vampire Tommy Wiseau, and his life would never be the same. Wiseau decided to make his own movie and put his buddy Greg in it, so Tommy wrote and starred in The Room (2003). The movie is legendarily bad, nonsensical, and poorly acted, but it does have its charms. Mainly Greg's abs, chest and arms! Tommy Wiseauplays Johnny, a successful banker in San Francisco. His life is going well until his fiancee cheats on him with his best friend Mark, played by Greg. We can understand why Tommy's fiancee did what she did after we see Greg having sex with her on the stairs. Oh, hi Mark! Look at those pecs! It's definitely a step up from Tommy's body, and Greg is tearing Lisa apart in all the right ways! The movie became a so bad it's good sensation, especially when clips from it started popping up online. Eventually Greg wrote a book about his experience with Tommy, which became the James Franco movie The Disaster Artist (2017), where Greg was played by Dave Franco, and did a cameo as a casting agent. But Greg's not content for his role in a bad movie to be all he'll ever do in Hollywood. He had a small role in The Haunting of Bly Manor, and has recently been doing B movies like Cyst (2020) and Infrared (2022). Whether he ever becomes a big star or not, Greg Sestero's body made one awful movie very watchable. We'd love to get a room with Greg Sestero!