Murder is a ballsy original series on BBC from creators Robert Jones and Kath Mattock. The show plays off of the phenomenal success of true-life crime stories such as radio program Serial and Netflix’s Making a Murderer, as well as fictionalized stories on shows like The Killing and American Crime. Taking things a step further, Murder delved beneath the narrative of, well, murder, to uncover the “Why?” rather than the “Who?” Utilizing gutsy devices such as straight on interviews with the characters, the show is more an exploration of grief, family drama, and psychosis than it is about following a linear plot.
There won’t be anything suspicious about the lap full of DNA you’ll have after seeing the amazing full frontal dudity in Murder! In season 1, episode 1 the hairy hottie Conor McCarron shows off his killer bod, thick dong, and perfect danglers in multiple scenes. Murder in the thirst degree!