The New Zealand boob tube comedy Nothing Trivial follows five friends that make a weekly journey to a local bar to bond and take part in quiz night. There’s the bitter and cynical Michelle (Nicole Whippy); commitment phobic Catherine (Tandi Wright), unlucky in love Emma (Debbie Newby-Ward); ethically aware divorcé Mac (Shane Cortese); and untrustworthy Brian (Blair Strang). Besides sharing a love for all things trivia, the five friends share in their misery of being single. Together that conquer pop cultural-flavored questions, indulge in alcohol, and commiserate over their empty love lives. Maybe the name of the show should be changed to “Nothing Nude”, because out side of Kyle Pryor brandishing his buns while hooking up with a lucky lady on season two, episode four, the show has been skinless. Oh, well.