Believe it or not, Orlando Bloom is forty-five years old! You certainly wouldn't know if by checking out his latest thirst trap on Instagram. Bloom looks like a college jock as he lifts what looks to be a very heavy weight in the first video. In his second video, Bloom works on his abs, and in the third video, it's all about the back muscles. What did we do to deserve this?

In these three videos Bloom has a sweaty, smooth, and toned body rippling with swole muscles. Those arms! That chest! That stomach! Those cum gutters! Sure forty-five is the new thirty-five, but Orlando is knocking on the door of twenty-five here. Seriously.

Or course, we've got even more Orlando Bloom here in store for you. Keep scrolling to see some of his sexiest nude scenes to date. Damn that bod. Damn!

Orlando Bloom's Best Nude Scenes