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Raffi Tavor

Raffi Tavor Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, Middle eastern, Gray Hair

Date of Birth: 02/22/48

AKA: Rafi Tabor

Top Raffi Tavor Scenes


Raffi Tavor is an Israeli actor. Born February 22, 1948, he's appeared in many films and TV shows throughout his long career including the American film Munich (2005). Raffi's acting credits are almost entirely in Israeli productions. He appears in the film The Farewell Party (2014) as retired veterinarian Raffi Segal. The film deals with retirees at a home who intend to help a terminally sick friend by building a device that assists with enthanasia. In one scene, he's fully nude smoking weed outdoors with other naked people but has his legs crossed the entire scene.