Robert Patrick dropped out of college after taking a drama class and realizing acting was his true calling. In no rush to find immediate success, in 1984 he was involved in a boating accident on Lake Erie where he swam for three hours and nearly drowned in order to save the lives of the other boaters. After the accident, Robert decided he was no longer going to wait. He took the leap and moved to Los Angeles, living in his car while auditioning. Within a few years of arriving in Hollywood, Robert started landing roles in B movies like Eye of the Eagle (1987), Warlords From Hell (1987) and Future Hunters (1988). But Robert's career really got going in the early 90's when he played Colonel Stuarts' top mercenary O'Reilly in Die Hard 2 (1990), and when he shot to worldwide fame as the shape shifting T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). It is in T2 that we get a good look at exactly what kind of weapon this terminator is packing in his pants, when he flashes full frontal after being transported back in time. If you hit your pause button at just the right time, not even Skynet will be able to pry your hands off of your tender spots as you take in Robert’s muscular ass, swinging balls and dangling dong. e doubt the leader of the resistance could resist this sexy pseudo-cop. Another great role came when Robert played the logger who watches his friend get abducted by aliens, Mike Rogers in Fire in the Sky (1993). He was Demi's ex-husband Darrell Grant in Striptease (1996) and the high school football Coach Willis in The Faculty (1998), but for whatever reason Robert seemed to be drawn to B movies. On the small screen he was David Duchovny's replacement as Scully's new partner John Doggett on The X-Files and Sawyer's ex con artist buddy Hibbs on LOST. Robert's career wasn't in a great place when he chased down John Cena as Rome in The Marine (2006), though that one led to him playing Jack Aarons in Bridge to Terabithia (2007). More recently, Robert has been drawn to small screen horror, since he was Jacob Fuller in From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series and the Mississippi based werewolf Jackson Herveaux in True Blood, though we've mostly been enjoying his reteaming with Cena as his dad, Auggie Smith in HBO Max's superhero comedy Peacemaker. We haven't made peace with the idea we're not gonna get another look at Robert's piece, so here's hoping he does another nude scene!