Staff Picks: Hot Monsters

Our Staff Picks column is a new addition that takes you back to a time when video stores reigned supreme and the "Staff Picks" section was the place to find out what films were worthy of one's time. Of course, our version has a decidedly nude angle, as we suss out which films from a certain genre with great nudity. This week: hot monsters!

I know "hot monsters" are not a genre, but these monsters in creature features are truly hot. These are sexy dudes who play monsters in scary movies and they manage to show off their nude human forms. Let's check out the hot humans behind these scary monsters.

David Naughton in An American Werewolf in London

David Naughton is back and hotter than ever as an average guy who has to worry about turning into a werewolf on a full moon. Whenever he turns back from being a werewolf, he is nude. That's what I love about movies like this - the clothes somehow disappear during the transformation. When David wakes up back in his human form, he is naked!

Staff Picks: Hot MonstersStaff Picks: Hot Monsters

Melo Costa in Devil Hunter

This horror movie uses the devil as the monster which you might think is a stretch, but you won't complain when you see all the dick in this 1980 Jesus Franco film. Melo Costa is our main monster who is totally naked in the film. The most monstrous thing about him is his penis...and the fact that he doesn't really have eyes.

Staff Picks: Hot Monsters

The movie isn't "great", but Melo Costa's monster hog is very easy on the eyes - no offense to his eyes!

Staff Picks: Hot Monsters

Malcolm McDowell in Cat People

Malcolm McDowell can always be trusted when it comes to hot nudity. His performance in the strange 80s remake of Cat People really delivered! He turns into a vicious cat. That's essentially the movie! Just like the werewolf's transformation, the cat people are naked when they transform back into humans (again I ask: what happened to the clothes that they were wearing?). Malcolm is one saucy feline when he is butt-naked on a bathroom floor. He really is the cat's meow!

Staff Picks: Hot Monsters

Kris Mann in Slugs

Hey, you know what's really scary? SLUGS. The 1988 movie and the slimy bugs that we would rather not touch. Watch Kris Mann show that he's all man when he bangs a babe on top...before the slugs show up. When the bugs do come, he stops screwing his chica and he sits which allows us to see his penis. Now that's a slimy slug I'd love to touch!

Ted Sorel in From Beyond

This film was loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft's works. A scientist acts as a psychiatrist who treats Dr. Pretorious played by Ted Sorel who wants to experiment on the brain to go into other dimensions...but things go wildly wrong. Ted shows off a soaking wet ass in one scene, but I also get VERY horny for Ken Foree's briefed-up boner. He isn't a monster, but that dick is!

Staff Picks: Hot Monsters

Staff Picks: Hot Monsters