When you watch the credits of a movie and wonder what all those names actually do, trust us, some roles are much stranger than others. But no Hollywood work is as weird as that done by the shredded beefcake Terry Notary. As a child, Terry got involved in gymnastics and was so successful he was eventually offered scholarships to numerous colleges. Ultimately, he attended UCLA where he majored in theatre while becoming an All American on the gymnastics team. Then, after college he joined Cirque du Soleil. Eventually, Ron Howard was looking for some help teaching actors how to move in Whoville for How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) and, who better to hire than Terry. Since then, he's become the go to movement coach for Hollywood. With his gymnastics toned muscles, Terry sure makes it move! First blowing up by coaching the ape movement in Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes (2001) Terry is the foremost expert in Hollywood when it comes to walking and acting like an ape, which explains his work in Tarzan (2003), Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011), Rampage (2018), and his credit as Kong in Kong: Skull Island (2017). Terry has done all sorts of mocap work and stunts, but in recent years he has also started appearing on screen as an actor. You'll be roaring with animalistic desire when you see Terry showing off his tight, gymnasts body as Oleg in The Square (2017). Oleg's part of a wild live art installation, where he acts like a shirtless ape among the wealthy elite. He stands up at a dinner party shirtless and shows everyone in the room his fit frame as he pretends to pick bugs from a woman's hair. As he moves and poses, we get a nice look at his impressive abs and strong arms. That ape man will have you spanking the monkey! Terry moved on to play Lion Man in Wolf (2021), which let us see him lying in a cage, his clothes all tattered. Most recently you could catch Terry as Gordy the killer chimpanzee in Nope (2022). Here's hoping he shows his muscles more onscreen. Mr. Man goes apeshit for Terry Notary!