Violet (2021) is a film that was written and directed by Justine Bateman and is stars Olivia Munn as a woman named Violet who wants to turn her life around after she realizes that everything that she has done in her life up until this moment has been about making decisions based on fear. She wants to ditch her fear and live a brave life that leads her to her true self...but she is not quite sure who her true self truly is anymore. Watch Violet go on her many adventures towards self-discovery and self-acceptance as she questions the things that hold her back and tries to figure out ways to get ahead in her own life. The tagline of this film is: what would you do if you weren't afraid? The answer to that question is ogling a very hot man who stars in this movie. Luke Bracey plays Red and he will make your palms red when you see him shirtless. Check out his brown happy trail that marches its way right on down to his you-know-where. He has a towel wrapped around his waist which makes us wonder if what he looks like underneath that towel. We would love to tear that towel away and see what is going on underneath it all. What does he look like below his waist? Brace yourselves because we do not find that out anytime soon. Luke Bracey still looks really fantastic. Luke Bracey's shirtless chest won't leave your balls blue - or violet!