TV news is in a tizzy this week as we all wait for the newest episode of The Boys to drop. What's so exciting about this episode? Besides the fact that the show is great and season three has lived up to the others so far, this particular week is the "Herogasm" episode and that apparently means that we are due for some serious sex and debauchery. Okay, now I'm excited!

Will The Boys' Upcoming Herogasm Episode Be a Giant Orgy?!

What is Herogasm?

Season 3, Episode 6 is bringing Herogasm to the forefront. Remember, The Boys is based on a comic book and Herogasm is part of the comic books. In the comics, it's a very explicitly sexual affair. What happens is that heroes travel from all over to an invite-only remote island where the motto is "anything goes". There are sex workers, but the superheroes also sleep with one another. Drugs, sex, alcohol, strippers, and immorality are all to be expected! There is even a scene from the comics where Soldier Boy and Homelander sleep together! Ay ay ay!

Will The Boys' Upcoming Herogasm Episode Be a Giant Orgy?!

Herogasm is in the comics?!

There was even a spin-off series of Herogasm which received a lot of criticism. The criticism did not come just from over-the-top comic depictions of sex, but also for having an iffy 9/11 storyline in which the hapless heroes divert a plane's trajectory and wind up hitting The Brooklyn Bridge. Yeah, it's not...the best. I have a feeling that that won't make the cut - but the sex? It sounds like that's what we have in store for us.

Will The Boys' Upcoming Herogasm Episode Be a Giant Orgy?!

What can we expect to see?

While showrunner Eric Kripke has said that they have had to pull back some of the Herogasm antics, he did tell The Wrap that "anyone who is a fan of the books and that particular volume of 'Herogasm', I can just tell you, you're definitely going to get the full Herogasm experience." I doubt that it will be anywhere near as explicit and crazy as the comics, but it sounds like we can expect sex...lots of it.

Will The Boys' Upcoming Herogasm Episode Be a Giant Orgy?!

Kripke even said that episode could be X-rated. “I mean, those dailies are insane,” Kripke said. “Like, if we showed everything we saw in the dailies, we for sure would be rated X." I would ordinarily say that I doubt that, but The Boys has been unflinching when it comes to sex and nudity (and violence, of course). Maybe they really will deliver on the promises of Herogasm.

Will The Boys' Upcoming Herogasm Episode Be a Giant Orgy?!

We can expect Jack Quaid and Karl Urban to show up to the party who have both already shown their asses. I am hoping for some gay male sex (maybe that Homelander and Soldier Boy affair?), but I will settle for full-frontal shots and real dicks. An orgy would be great, too, and that seems very likely. All of these hot heroes together at a sex party? Why wouldn't they have a super orgy?! If anything, their orgy could have the potential to save the world!