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Mark Wahlberg was recently on Ellen to promote his new movie Father Stu, and what topic should come up? Mark Wahlberg's big penis! Wait, it's not what you think. Ellen confronted Mark Wahlberg about the rumor that he still has his iconic big prosthetic penis from the 1997 movie Boogie Nights. In case you don't know, in Boogie Nights Mark plays a young up-and-coming porn actor. He owes his success in the porn biz to his massive penis - which those around him can't seem to get enough of. At the very end of Boogie Nights, the audience finally gets to see what Mark's character is packing when he flashes his penis to himself in the mirror! It's a foot-long hot dog and we just love it!

You'll Never Guess Where Mark Wahlberg Keeps His Big PenisYou'll Never Guess Where Mark Wahlberg Keeps His Big PenisYou'll Never Guess Where Mark Wahlberg Keeps His Big Penis

But back to the whereabouts of that prosthetic penis decades after Boogie Nights was shot. Mark Wahlberg revealed to Ellen that he does indeed still have his prosthetic penis from Boogie Nights. The rumors are true! But where he keeps it is the real scoop here. In a prosthetic penis vault! Tho convo between Ellen and Mark went down like this:


Is it true that you still have the prosthetic that you wore in Boogie Nights?


Yes, yes.


Where is that?


It's in a safe, locked away. It's not something I can leave out... (imagine that) my kids are looking for the spare phone charger and pull that thing out and go 'What the heck is that?' It wouldn't be a good look!


Have they seen that movie?


I think my daughter has, but she has not had the conversation with me. Thank God... she's sparing me.

For no specific reason, we will be needing the code to that safe Mark. Thanks!

Mark Wahlberg's (Prosthetic) Penis In Boogie Nights

Mark Wahlberg's Interview With Ellen