All Of The Hottest Nudity From Sundance 2020

Sundance Film Festival came and went, and thanks to our on-site nudity scout, we now know all the best nudity to look forward to over the coming year and beyond! The biggest news might be that Catch-22 starlet Christopher Abbott is giving us a nudity repeat with Possessor. 30 minutes in and then again 50 minutes in we will see his penis!

In the movie Zola we will see "a montage of penises" getting ready to have sex with Riley Keough about 40 minutes in. Lucky lady!

High Tide will be the movie to see if you want to check out Christian Salguero. He shows his butt while washing himself outside 30 minutes in.

In Black Bear Christopher Abbott goes nude yet again! It all goes down 45 minutes in, when he shows his butt while having sex with Aubrey Plaza. Then an hour later he even gives a bun repeat. This guy, I tell ya!

Benedict Cumberbatch is making his nudity comeback this year. In Ironbark he is stripped by police with just his hands covering his crotch. Then we see his butt in prison as he showers by himself! This all happens a good hour and 20 minutes into the flick.

Cumberbatch previously delivered his best nude scene in Patrick Melrose.

All Of The Hottest Nudity From Sundance 2020

Kyle Marvin shows his ass 50 minutes into The Climb, which, no, sadly is not a movie inspired by the Miley Cyrus song. It's a movie about biking.

Finally, it looks like Andy Samberg delivers only his second nude scene ever in Palm Springs. 30 minutes in we see his butt. And as if that wasn't enough, a groomsman in the movie reveals his balls just 10 minutes later!

We previously saw Andy nude in Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping.

All Of The Hottest Nudity From Sundance 2020

We will of course update you guys throughout the year as these movies are released. It's a good day for dudity!