Everyone is buzzing about the 2022 Queer As Folk reboot on Peacock, but how does this new series compare to the original 1999 Queer As Folk series, as well as the 2000 American one? That’s up to you to decide. We’ve compiled some of the hottest moments from all three of the Queer As Folk iterations, and it is up to you to decide if the new reboot can hold a candle to the originals.

Keep in mind that the 2022 Queer As Folk is up against Charlie Hunnam’s gay ass licking scene - which he filmed when he was only 18 years old.

Hunnam also shared some amazing make-out sessions with future Game Of Thrones star, Aidan Gillen. Take note. This is a tonguing.

The Queer As Folk reboot is also up against the 2000 American version of the series. We got a recreation of Hunnam’s famous ass licking scene.

And a damn hot look at comedian Hal Sparks' manly untrimmed pubes!

But in the reboot, series star Devin Way shows his hot fat ass while having his way with Caleb J. Spivak from behind.

Plus Johnny Sibilly and Chris Renfro have some of the most realistic, sweaty sex since Jonathan Groff and Russell Tovey in Looking. And that’s… saying something.

Oh and Nyle DiMarco is here. In his underwear. Playing a male prostitute. Looking like this.

So, what’s the verdict?

See GIFs From All 3 Queer As Folk Series Below