The romantic drama August (2011) follows the happy and contented couple Jonathan (Daniel Dugan) and Raul (Adrian Gonzalez), even though they live separate from one another. Raul married Jonathan’s best friend Nina (Hillary Banks) for immigration purposes, so they must maintain separate homes. Everything is fine as can be until Troy (Murray Bartlett), Jonathan’s ex, comes into town from Spain. He's a mysterious hottie who ghosted Jonathan a few years back with no explanation, so there was never any real closure. Troy still has the hots for Johnny, and he brings a whole lot of sexual tension into the ready-made for cheating home. But wait. Raul has heard so much about Jonathan that he wants to meet him too. And since they're both super sexy, of course they screw! The action culminates on Jonathan’s thirtieth birthday when Troy, Jonathan and Raul hook up for a pot-laced, alcohol induced threesome. Sounds great, but these odd number romps have a tendency of being the death knell to relationships and friendships. Can the tryst-y trio survive the sex and achieve happiness? Tune in to find out! With all this talk of a three-way, there’s gotta be a lot of skin, right? Wrong. The DILFY Murray Bartlett supplies a lot of his shirtless physique, but we barely get a glimpse of his buns while he's in bed with Daniel Dugan. But while Mr. Bartlett never lets us see his cock, Daniel Dugan is much more generous, especially when he shows off his butt, balls and dink while catching some Z’s. It would be amazing to wake up to these two dudes in the morning! Beyond that, there's a look at Bernhard Forcher looking so hot he's a scorcher as he bends over for a post-sex cigarette. Talk about a smokeshow! Mr. Man is begging for a summer of getting some like the piping hot homies in August!