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Chris Smits

Chris Smits Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blond Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Top Chris Smits Scenes

Lingerie (2009) Sexy, sexy, shirtless, straight, underwear Ep. 01x08 Chris Smits is all about the fireside side ass as he forks a horny girl on an animal pelt. (2 mins 5 secs)
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Chris Smits looks like he sprang from the mind of a mad genius who fell asleep watching Baywatch. With his massive Disney Prince shoulders and come-hither stare, this beefcake is exactly what we want to find on the beach. He recently appeared in Ecstasy (2011). But he showed off the most when he appeared in the series Lingerie, screwing a girl on top of an animal pelt. But with each thrust we get to see his ass in motion and his hips at work.