Cleves (2022) is a French film by writer and director Rodolphe Tissot based on the novel by Marie Darrieussecq. The plot follows a teen named Solange who lives in a tiny town in the French Alps. Her parents get divorced, so they are embroiled in legal battles. With her family torn apart and her parents busy, this fifteen-year-old girl discovered her femininity and sexuality for the first time in her life during one fateful summer. This means that she hangs out with sexy French men! She has a lot of sex with Aymeric Fougeron who plays Arnaud. He shows his ass when he bangs her and he is on top. Vincent Deniard plays an older man that she sleeps with named Vittoz and he shows his ass, but he also goes the extra mile by letting a visible erection show underneath his manties. We would all have a sexual awakening with that piece of man meat!