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Saturn Bowling

Saturn Bowling (2022)

Great Nudity!
  • Genres: Drama, Thriller
  • Directed by: Patricia Mazuy
  • Theatrical Release: 09/29/2023
  • Home Release: 10/24/2023
  • Country: Belgium, France
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Losing a parent is never easy, but it's even worse when your parent's death leads to you inheriting a haunted bowling alley, as the lead characters in the French/Belgian film Saturn Bowling (2022) learn. Police officer Guillaume (Arieh Worthalter) and his half-brother Armand (Achille Reggiani) take possession of their father's bowling alley after his death, but soon discover that ownership of the facility comes with a catch as Armand begins a murder spree that puts him in direct conflict with his older half-brother. Now Guillaume must call in the big guns, in this case a group of paranormal investigators, to help him get to the bottom of what's going on at Saturn Bowling! 

The film's only nudity comes in a pretty brutal and unpleasant scene as Achille Reggiani strips completely naked to have sex with a woman, but the beast inside him comes out and he murders her in nasty fashion. At least the sight of his ass, cock, and balls softens the blow a bit!