Former Glee star Dianna Agron leads the cast of the Hulu Original psychological horror film Clock (2023). Ella (Agron) is being haunted by the phantom ticking of her biological clock and with multiple people in her life pressuring her to do something before it's too late—not to mention all of the societal pressure on women of a certain age. Ella makes the decision to meet with Dr. Elizabeth Simmons (Melora Hardin) and sign up for a radical new procedure that has apparently had great success around the world. Little does she know what she's just signed up for. Her man Jay Ali certainly finds out an hour and eleven minutes in when he drops his boxers to bang Agron in the kitchen, showing off his ass, followed by a look at his (prosthetic) penis dripping with blood after something inside her poked him! Well, there's a fear we've never had before now, thanks Clock for putting it in our brains!