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Dan Gunther

Dan Gunther Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, White, Brown Hair

Birthplace: , US

Top Dan Gunther Scenes


The majority of the career of the very handsome Dan Gunther spanned ten different projects across a period of ten years. He appeared in a combination of comedies (Denise Calls Up (1995) and Galaxy Quest (1999)), drama/thrillers (Brother (2000) and Devil’s Pond (2003)), and even a drama/thriller/comedy in the form of Rod McCall’s Lewis & Clark & George (1997), which Gunther also served as a producer on. He plays Clark in the film, one of a group of outlaws on the run, fleeing from police to Mexico in order to get some stuff sorted out. Before they get there, though, they stop off in order to get off, and we get a nice scene in which Clark is being ridden by a young topless woman on a bed. Things end abruptly when she reveals something to his disliking, but before that we get a few shots of his solid, hot, hairy chest. Nothing close to showing Dan’s gun but we’ll take it!