He's not just a pretty face to look at, this native of Madagascar who was raised in Paris, France and now calls New York City home is more of a renaissance man, who you still want to see naked. Franck Raharinosy is an actor, producer, and self described sound practitioner/social entreprenuer, but he might be best known in the business world as the founder of Ping-Pong club SPIN along with Susan Sarandon. That's a pretty impressive resume for a square jawed stud who looks like he doesn't skip the gym either and lucky for us, he still likes to get in front of a lens while running a successful business too. You've likely seen him in movies like Catfight (2016), Black Magic for White Boys (2017), and Scenes From an Empty Church (2021), but it's his bun-baring Nudecomer debut That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes (2021) that'll have you reaching for your "ping-pong paddle" pronto!