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That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes

That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes (2021)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Horror
  • Directed by: Onur Tukel
  • Theatrical Release: 09/09/2021
  • Home Release: 11/09/2021
  • Country: France
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes (2021) is a French film by writer and director Onur Tukel about a man named Leonard who is at the end of his rope. He is about to lose his home, his job, and his girlfriend and he is also experiencing bizarre hallucinations. Are his hallucinations simply a result of stress or is he experiencing these strange things because of new technology that was installed in the city? He has to get down to the bottom of what is happening to him so that he can save himself. He needs to stop the hallucinations so that he can get his life together in some way, shape, or form. There are four sexy Frenchmen to enjoy in this film. Frank Raharinosy plays the leading man named Leonard who shows his ass during a hot sex montage. His beautiful booty in yellow lighting brings excitement to our eyes. Robert Walker plays Jeffrey William who shows his twink body in a black and white scene. There are a series of naked men who all stand around and pose. Henry Trueheart plays Donovan who shows derriere in that same scene along with Eric Fleising plays Conrad who bares his bulge when he keeps his boxer briefs on. Robert and Henry are butt-naked and they look skintastic in this scene. Black and white makes everyone look like walking works of art! Thank goodness our eyes are not cold or dead so that we can check out these hot hineys.