Sporting the tagline "Get Ready to Go Viral," the slasher flick Killer Influence (2024) is part of that new wave of indie horror movies that delights in having so-called social media influencers be the victims getting picked off one by one. Alex (Joy Rieger) just bought a house in a secluded mountain town, hoping to turn it into an influencer pad by inviting some of her fellow entrepreneurs out for a party. Naturally, things take a turn for the deadly when influencers start disappearing and eventually turning up dead, and they're all going to face reckoning with the people they stepped on while on their way to the top! We, however, are more concerned with the bottom, or more specifically, nudecomer Alix Gavoille's bare ass, which can briefly be seen when he goes streaking! Alix is on his way to being a true Skinfluencer!