The seemingly perfect household and housewife is always a solid backdrop for underlying horrors in films. Swallow follows Hunter (Haley Bennett), who after becoming pregnant falls down a rabbit hole with an unusual psychological disorder known as "pica", an uncontrollable desire to eat objects that provide no nutritional value and are potentially dangerous to eat! Apparently it is most common in pregnant women, so this flick is hitting the nail on the head with it's cringe inducing scenes! This pregnant lady isn't craving pickles and ice cream, she's got a dirt and thumb tack and broken glass craving... We always joke about how we'd rather eat some broken glass when the in-laws come to town than spend time with them, but none of us really follow through on that! The dreamy Austin Stowell plays the cold and controlling husband in this one and of course he's about as stoic, cold, and sexy as you'd expect from someone portraying a Waspy momma's boy. He pops that shirt off a couple of times to reveal a foxy physique that'll make you want to swallow something too, just something a little bit more palatable, if you know what we're talking about!