The Last Duel (2021) is an epic historical fiction drama from director Ridley Scott that tells a true story to a new audience that likely has never heard it before. King Charles VI in late 14th century France announces that there must be a duel with a French knight named Jean de Carrouges and his squire after the king's wife accused Jean de Carrouges of misconduct. Instead of a trial, a duel will be had to decide if justice should be served. The film stars A-list all-stars Adam Driver as Jacque Le Gris and Matt Damon as Sir Jean de Carrouges. Matt Damon shows his shirtless chest after he has a straight sex scene that shows off his killer bod. Matt Damon has definitely still got it! Adam Driver, on the other hand, goes the extra mile like he almost always does. He is just that kind of actor. He finally shows his dick...but he also uses a body double to show his cock (or most likely, a realistic-looking human dummy). So don't get too excited! That being said, be excited about seeing his lean body. Spoiler alert ahead: Matt Damon is the winner of the battle when he delivers a deadly blow to Adam Driver. Driver's body is then dragged across the square, but he is dead (and wearing nude-colored underwear). Then his naked body is strung up by the legs and hung upside down. Again, he's not alive, so don't worry - but this is obviously a big spoiler.