The 2022 Australian Netflix Original Series Heartbreak High is a reboot of the groundbreaking seminal 1994 series of the same name. Set at the fictional Hartley High School, this reboot focuses on a new crop of sexually fluid teens looking for love and friendship. Amerie (Ayesha Madon) has only one goal this year: to rehabilitate her reputation for being a young woman of loose morals and it's going to take a lot of hard work and find her teaming up with two of the school's biggest outsiders, Quinni (Chloe Hayden) and Darren (James Majoos). The show has a ton of sexy content throughout the first season, starting in the first episode when James Majoos and Alex Champion de Crespigny both bare their asses after hooking up! Episode three not only features a flash of ass from Will McDonald, there's also a steamy but fully clothed gay kiss between Thomas Weatherall and Bryn Chapman Parish! There's even more gay action in the fourth episode between James Majoos and Will McDonald, as well as Thomas Weatherall and Josh Heuston! High school today is so different!