Based on the best-selling novel Crimson Lake by Candice Fox, Troppo is an Australian series starring Thomas Jane as Ted Conkaffey, an American former police officer who has fled to Australia after being framed by a crooked cop in his department. While hiding out, he decides against his better judgment to help beleaguered private investigator Amanda Pharrell (Nicole Chamoun) with a missing persons case in Far North Queensland. As the series progresses, Ted finds himself getting wrapped up in being a cop again, but it won't be long before word gets back to the States on his whereabouts. It took until the second episode of the second season in 2024 before Thomas Jane finally went nude on the show, showing off his bare ass while getting out of the shower! That same episode also brought some sexy shirtless scenes from series co-stars Ethan Lwin and Alex Kaan! Your pants will Troppo when you get a load of this sexy show!