French comedy In America follows a mismatched duo as they travel to Las Vegas to follow their individual dreams. When we meet him, David Cap (Vincent Primault) is in a hairy situation. No, like, he’s found a way for bald men to grow hair and is heading to a convention Stateside to show off his discovery. Michel Mousset (the easy to pronounce Hédi Tillette de Clermont-Tonnerre) is about as quirky as they come, and has an affinity for sofa dancing. Basically, after falling in love with all things leather while working with cowhide in America, he got into leather sofas, and subsequently, sofa dancing. It just so happens that the largest sofa dancing competition is in Las Vegas as well, and the two men end up traveling together. While their differences abound, we realize that the two might just have a thing or two to learn from each other.
Get ready to do some traveling of your own (to a place where you can have some privacy), because the boys of In America love strutting around in their tighty whities in almost too many scenes to count! In America also delivers bare ass from Hédi and Vincent, which will make you Vincent van Blow!