Hailing from Rome, Massimo Vanni began his film career as a stuntman, and went on to weightier action roles in many poliziotteschi films, a subgenre of crime and action pictures that emerged from Italy in the late sixties. Many of these films Vanni participated in were directed by his cousin, Enzo G. Castellari. The character for which he's most famous is Gargiulo, a comical sidekick of Tomas Milian in the Inspector Giaradi franchise, a series of pictures directed by Bruno Corbucci. He also starred in several action adventure pictures directed by another Bruno, Bruno Mattei, where he was credited as Alex McBride. But it's Mako in The New Barbarians (1983) where Massimo shows his massive build. Lying nearly naked on a futuristic looking stretcher, we get a solid side view of the stallion, complete with purple mohawk and pony tail as well some chest hair. Just be aware, Vanni is on a stretcher because of some pretty brutal gashes near his ribcage. Too bad his legs aren't as open as those wounds. Ouch!