Not Safe for Work is a British dramedy that follows the daily trials and tribulations of Katherine (Zawe Ashton) a civil servant who specializes in cases involving immigrants. Her life completely uproots however when her husband divorces her and public sector cuts force her to relocate to an office in Northampton outside of London, which she sees as the sticks. After moving, she finds herself ill-adjusted and as displaced in this foreign land as the clients she represents. In the second episode of the true to life series, the tall dark and very handsome Sacha Dhawan sits shirtless in a medical room, showcasing his sexy stubble, hairy chest, and big arms as he talks to a lucky lady who gives him a peck on the lips to cheer him up. Mr. Man could think of a few more ways to put a smile on this brooding brit, but none of them would be safe for work!