Did you think I'd forget to let you know all about the hottest streaming shows and movies this week? Please! Let me go off. We have so many hunky buns and some cock to tell you all about, so hang tight.

Love Life stars Anna Kendrick, but she hooks up with guys who hold our interest a little better. Guys like Nick Thune and Michael Palladino get shirtless and show bulge when they just hang out with anna in their undies. Her Love Life looks good with guys like these in her life.

Now Streaming: Love Life, Dead Dicks, Dark 7.10.20Now Streaming: Love Life, Dead Dicks, Dark 7.10.20Now Streaming: Love Life, Dead Dicks, Dark 7.10.20

Dead Dicks is a science fiction film that is not available on Amazon. Rent and stream it to see Heston Horwin, the star, show up full frontal in one scene. He's casually eating cereal in the background of a scene that showcases his uncut cock. That dick ain't dead!

Now Streaming: Love Life, Dead Dicks, Dark 7.10.20Now Streaming: Love Life, Dead Dicks, Dark 7.10.20

Dark is the German Netflix series you didn't know you needed. It's indeed Dark in both content and filming. It's also got sexy European men in it! In the newest season that recently dropped, both Moritz Jahnand Louis Hofman bare buns in different sex scenes that are a light in the darkness.

Now Streaming: Love Life, Dead Dicks, Dark 7.10.20Now Streaming: Love Life, Dead Dicks, Dark 7.10.20