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Pressly Coker

Pressly Coker Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US

Top Pressly Coker Scenes


Every now and then the entertainment industry is gifted with an incredibly attractive man god who’s deliciously toned muscular build just so happens to be just as sexy as his insatiably gorgeous face. Have you met Pressly Coker? Because if not, prepare to get your mind blown with sexiness! Making his way into the acting scene back in 2006 when he was cast into a short role in the artsy short independent film When They Could Fly, we knew from the moment that we laid eyes on Pressly that sexiness as we knew it would never be the same! We’ve since got to witness Pressley in a long line of both film and TV performances, but hands down we just have to say that his incredibly sultry role in the TV series Hunting Season (2012) was by far the winner as far as hotness goes! What? You aren’t a fan of getting to see a delicious man booty along with a bit of sexy bulge action to top it all off? Pressly Coker’s tantalizingly sexy on-screen appearances just keep on getting hotter and hotter. While Pressly hasn't shown off his skin-ful goods again, you can find him in more boob tube roles on TV series such as Break a Hip, General Hospital, New Dogs, Old Tricks, How I Met Your Father, and movies like Headgame (2018), Flashout (2019), Adverse (2020), and Earthworm (2022). Let's just hope that Pressly Coker starts to feel naughty and shows that cocker onscreen in the very near future!