The Defeated (2021) is a series also known as Shadowplay, but the hot men in this show are not in the shadows. More on that in a minute. This series follows an American police officer named Max McLaughlin who goes to Berlin in 1946 in order to help the local Berlin police get some organization after the war. They create a special forces unit that is determined to take down some of the world's most dangerous people like Dr. Wener Enlgemacher Gladow who is considered one of the biggest gangsters in Berlin. He was also a Nazi, so he's a bad guy. Max has another mission that he keeps private. He wants to find his missing brother who has been hunting down former Nazis in hiding and making them pay for what they've done. It's a tense historical drama, but super stud Taylor Kitsch stars. He actually plays our star Max McLaughlin! In one scene he is shirtless and smoking...smoking HOT, that is. Okay, he is also smoking for real. He is smoking in a red darkroom as he snips up the negatives for photos that he has taken. Working shirtless must be really helpful because he looks focused. Quick, someone take a picture of him! When he opens the window and gets some light and air, we get some light on his firm abs of his as well. He is dirty, but he is still super sexy. We would love to spend some alone time with his hot hunk.