The King of Marvin Gardens (1972) is a drama from Bob Rafelson that was released in the early 1970s. It follows a daydreamer - aka unemployed "creative" dude who was recently in jail due to his dealings with the mob in Atlantic City where he lives - and his brother who works as a beloved radio personality who team up for a get-rich-quick scheme. His brother lives in Philadelphia, so when he gets out of jail he heads over there to convince him to help him build a place on an island in the Pacific. He convinces his much-more rational brother to help him, convincing him of his wild dreams to be rich without actually doing any work. It's a real-life monopoly game! Sadly, they aren't very good at playing this. They wind up losing and their scheme becomes the stuff of a radio drama. Or a movie drama, which is what this is! Bruce Dern is the criminal brother Jack and Jack Nicholson plays David, the radio DJ brother. Jack Nicholson surprisingly is the one who winds up showing us skin. He wears long johns that are all white and dirty. He gets woken up one day by his landlord which shows us his very stuffy apartment that is filled to the brim with things. When he sits up, the flap on his ass is open a little bit. He shows us plumber's cracker that is worth giving a radio shout out, too. Turn up the volume on that ass!