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Watchmen (2009)

Brief Nudity

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Who watches the Watchmen? Mr. Man will watch any men willing to take their clothes off, especially when they're in a movie based on the most acclaimed graphic novel of all time. Yes, in 2009, Zack Snyder took Alan Moore's masterpiece and turned it into the cinematic blockbuster Watchmen (2009). While it wasn't as critically acclaimed as the 2019 HBO show, this gritty take on life as a superhero kept the famous moral conundrum ending intact. The film tells the story of the titular group of conflicted superheroes living in an alternate universe 1985 America, including the sexy Silk Spectre II (Malin Akerman), the godlike, and well hung, Dr. Manhattan (Billy Crudup), the misanthropic vigilante Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley), the libertine and mercenary Comedian (Jeffery Dean Morgan), the world's smartest man superhero turned business magnate Ozymandias (Matthew Goode) and the mild-mannered Nite Owl II (Patrick Wilson). When a mysterious someone begins murdering their fellow costumed crime fighters, they begin to uncover a shocking conspiracy related to The Cold War, which continues to heat up. One of them is responsible for all the killing, but their rationale is a super interesting one. It's tough to stay rational when gorgeous men are taking their clothes off, so do your best to stay calm, but Patrick Wilson and Billy Crudup are the two men you'll really want to watch in the nude in this comic book flick. Wilson shows his backside in two steamy sex scenes with Malin, as Silk Spectre and The Nite Owl find that returning to a life of crimefighting gets their juices flowing! Screw the Man of Steel, we'll take Nite Owl and his buns of steel any day! Meanwhile, as the bald, blue and beautiful Dr. Manhattan, the cut-up Billy Crudup is both shredded and given a swinging CGI cock as he strolls around the film sans clothes as the big blue doctor. Even though Crudup’s nudity is doctored, it’s good enough to feed your super fantasies! It might not be as fun as the jokey MCU stuff, but those super skin scenes make Watchmen super watchable!