Tina Fey’s closest attempt to a comedy drama crossover, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016), brings the celebrated memoir from real life television producer Kim Barker to life. Barker is a TV journalist doing worthless puff pieces who volunteers to go to Afghanistan and cover the war. Since nobody else wants to live in a dangerous Middle Eastern warzone, she gets the gig despite her lack of hard journalism experience. She's terrible at first, but soon enough she's formed a little family with the BBC's Tanya Vanderpoel (Margot Robbie) and the Scottish photographer Iain MacKelpie (Martin Freeman) and starts to get pretty good at the gig. When her boyfriend Chris (Josh Charles) can't handle the long-distance thing, she starts bonking Iain, stays in Afghanistan for years longer than she expected to, and truly makes it her home. But when Iain's kidnapped, the reality of the war hits home for Kim and she has to use her sources to try and find out what happened to him. Of course, Fey brings her brand of humor to the trenches, resulting in a movie equal parts funny and touching. Speaking of touching, you’ll be all over yourself when you see bulge from Martin Freemanwhile he's bulging out of some tiny shorts. WTF? How is a skinny British man in shorts hot AF? Next to him as he's playing with his camera, there's some and some hot muscle action from Stephen Peacocke! With a name like that, you think we’d see a little more, but all we get is his super macho chest, abs and delts! No cock. Still, those scenes in Whiskey Tango Foxtrot are the cure for whiskey dick!