Antarctica (2020) is a romantic comedy written and directed by Keith Bearden that tells the story of two best friends who are nervous about what is to come in their life as they experience highs and lows during their last year of high school in their small, American hometown. One of them has struggled with depression and she feels all kinds of weird things about taking her medication and the other gets sent to a sex rehab by her parents even though she has barely had sex at all. Watch these girls find love, adventure, and friendship even during their final year of high school right before the two girls leave town to embark on adulthood. Randy Iversen plays a loving husband - seriously, that is the name of the character that he is credited as, so good for him and his loving husband vibes - who shakes his booty in one scene. We watch him pull down his pants and bend over with that butt out. Next up, Bubba Weiler plays the lovable weirdo in the movie named Rian. While he does spend most of the movie wearing a spacesuit with a helmet, he will fog up your screen when you finally get to see think twinky dream strip down to his underwear. He is a skinny legend who bulges out in his red underwear before he goes to kiss the object of his desire. But he gets scared and puts his spacesuit back on. Oh well. His shirtless chest is still out of this world!