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Benjy Bronk Dick Pics

Benjy Bronk Dick Pics (2017)

Great Nudity!


With all due respect to Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, D.B. Cooper and The Zodiac, there's no mystery that intrigues Mr. Man quite like the question of what a hunk's hog looks like under all those clothes. Howard Stern Show writer turned weight loss influencer Benjy Bronk has seemingly expanded his career beyond the on-air quips he's specialized in since starting with Stern back in 1998. Now, he's out to show the world his dick via Twitter and solicit feedback from his many followers, much to, much of their dismay. His first self-exposure came on Valentine's Day when he released the photos to fight racism and sexism... or something like that, but when a hacker deleted those, it was his second slew of dick pics that caught our attention. During Mr. Skin's Feburary 2017 episode with Howard, Benjy tweeted out pictures of his cock once again, and Mr. Skin gave it the first-ever Best Mushroom on a Stick Award. What a prestigious pecker! Benjy claims his penis has a six-inch circumference, and even went so far as to ask a fellow Stern employee to measure it for him. Unfortunately, since Benjy couldn't get it up under all that pressure, we're going to have to leave it up to you to judge. Andy Cohen argued that he thought Benjy's boner pics were hiding something since so many of them weren't centered correctly, while blogger Perez Hilton noted that he thought the photos were unflattering. They look dang good to us. Anytime Benjy Bronk wants to bonk, we'll be happy to see if the cock lives up to the promise of those photos!