A recent study found that men with big noses tend to have bigger penises, and we're putting this theory to the test by checking out the frontal nudity from actors with supersized schnozes! The "big nose, big hose" study was conducted on cadavers in Japan. Researchers stretched the penises to simulate erect length, and measured them, as well as the corpses' noses. When comparing the two lengths, on average, men with large noses have penises 29% longer than men with small noses. Speaking of sticking our nose where it doesn't belong, it's time to get to the hot nude big-nosed dudes you'll encounter on this extra nosey playlist! Viggo Mortensen proudly displays his penis and balls in Captain Fantastic, Michael Fassbender walks towards the camera fully nude with his thigh-slapper of a cock swinging to and fro in Shame, Liam Neeson debutes arguably the biggest penis in Hollywood in Under Suspicion, and Antonio Banderas stands fully nude with his double-wide dong out and proud in False Eyelash. Plus you're not going to want to miss Justin Theroux's penis in Six Feet Under, Tom Cruise's brief, rare cock flash in All The Right Moves, Ben Affleck's Batdick in Gone Girl, and Ryan Reynolds' cock flash in Buying The Cow! Who nose if the study is true or not... we just love doing the research!
Sexy & Nude Celebrity Playlists 556