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Billable Hours

Billable Hours (2006)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Created by: Fab Filippo, Adam Till
  • Rated: NR
  • Network: Showcase
  • Country: Canada
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Billable Hours (2006) is a Canadian comedy from the mid-2000s about three young lawyers who work a big corporate law firm which they soon realize is not all that it is cracked up to be. In fact, they hate. It sucks. It is hard work and the corporations do not seem to care about them very much. They want to work hard to get ahead but find that working hard just lands more work in their lap. So instead, they try to amuse each other instead of focus on how much their jobs suck. They amuse each other and themselves, which sometimes pisses off each other or their bosses who wish they were working harder. Fab Filippo is an actor in the show who will certainly make you harder. That's right, he is working hard in an attempt to make you hard and it actually works in this scene that shows some of his skin. Isn't that absolutely FABulous? He takes off his pants to sit on the toilet, lowering them down to his ankles and showing us his ass and thigh from the side. Is he billing for those hours because we almost feel like we are robbing him by watching this nude scene for free? That bit of ass definitely goes a long way in this hilarious comedy. When he stands up, he pulls his pants up which sucks. Can we bill him for more hours without pants? We would definitely love to hire Fab Filippo for more nude services!