The Kids in the Hall is one of the most iconic sketch comedy shows of all time. This hilarious comedy series brought together a ragtag group of funny young men from Canada who had already been making people laugh around the country with their live shows. Formed in 1984, Dave Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney, and the openly gay and hysterical Scott Thompson started to make their magic. They named themselves after something that 1950s TV comedian Sid Caesar used to say, blaming a joke on "the kids in the hall" whenever it bombed. Their show produced by native Canadian Lorne Michaels ran from 1989 to 1996 on various networks in the US and Canada. They even made a film in 1996, but they all went their separate ways shortly after that. The show gave us so many legendary moments in 90s comedy: the chicken lady, cabbage head, the king of empty promises, anal-probing aliens, and even the guy who is hip, This show and all of their jokes were very influential to an entire generation of North American comedians and they were also easy ed some serious eye candy in the pilot episode when they are all naked. In a sketch called "Naked for Jesus" both Canadian cuties Bruce McCulloch and Mark McKinney show their booties to the camera when they go entirely nude. We don't see any cocks for Jesus in this scene but do see plenty of asses and shirtless chests. Those butts certainly are hole-y!