In the hilarious sitcom Schitt’s Creek (2015) the Rose family is forced to give up their home and move to a place called, well, Schitt’s Creek. As you can guess from the name of the town, it's an upper middle class neighborhood just outside of Greenwich, CT. Just kidding, it’s a schitt hole in the middle nowhere. The family formerly purchased the town as a joke, but after loosing their vast fortune are forced to call it home. Do wacky hijinks ensue when the family must learn to forgo their opulent lifestyle for the simple ways of small town living? Why, yes they do. Are some of the leading men so hot that they’ll create a creek in your pants? Why yes, yes they are.
Dan Levy, who plays the Roses' son, is a ball of sex. We just want to care for his caterpillar eyebrows while stroking that thick head… of hair. From his perfect pink lips to his chiseled chin, we need a levy to deal with our overflowing creek (yes, the same one as earlier – it’s still there and getting worse. Send help).
The real breakout star of Schitt’s Creek, however, is Tim Rozen and his tight, TIGHT, bod and glorious beard. Maybe he can help us exfoliate with that thing after we take care of that creek situation.