Stateside we know this Swedish finance thriller series as Blinded, but in its native land it is called Fartblinda. Fartblinda. That's the tweet. Aside from the fact that Fartblinda sounds like the fairy godmother who didn't quite make the cut, we're truly intrigued by this gripping series! The Swedish finance thriller follows a financial reporter named Bea Farkas, and played by the actress Julia Ragnarsson. For as tempted as she is being surrounded by sexy finance men in suits all day long, Bea has one cardinal rule at work - no sleeping with her subjects. But this rule goes out the damn window the second she lays eyes on Peder Rooth, played by looker and a half Matias Varela. Bea falls for Peder's charm, but soon finds out that the bank he works for is up to some shady shiz. As a financial reporter it is her duty to investigate the bank's alleged crimes, but as a woman in lust, she lowkey doesn't want to know what's going down, so that she can continue to see Peder. What's a girl to do? We don't want to give away too much of the plot of Fartblinda, but we will share Matias Varela's sexiest moments. As if you had any doubts! He cooks up something mighty fine in the kitchen while Bea watches longingfully from the floor. We get to see Matias' manly muscles and hairy chest as he cooks while just wearing a towel. You could say that we're Fartblinded by his beauty!