The 2002 indie hit movie City Of God got a long-awaited sequel in the form of the television series City Of God: The Fight Rages On. The original was about two youths surviving in drug-addled Rio de Janeiro in the 70s in their own ways. In the original movie, Rocket (Alexandre Rodrigues) was a budding photographer, specializing in capturing the drug war that he saw all around him. The Fight Rages On finds Rocket 20 years into his photojournalism career, still capturing the subject matter he found so compelling all those years ago. The Fight Rages On is a bloody reminder of the power of Brazilian cartels, and while this doesn't seem sexy, we did find a little hotness from actor Thiago Martins. Hey, we can make anything work in a pinch! Thiago Martins shows his ass while humping away on his lady friend. Lucky gal. City Of God? More like City Of Yes Gawd!